Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Shih Tzu - Early Days Most Influential Breeder In North America

The most influential breeder in the early days of the Shih Tzu in North America was Swedish-born Ingrid Colwell. Noone has equaled her contribution to the breed. She was the daughter of Ingrid Engstrom.
Mrs. Colwell's original stock was 80 percent Scandinavian. Future breedings incorporated English lines. The combination of these lines, the Scandinavian and English created the distinctive line of Mrs. Colwell called the Si-Kiang line. The Si-Kiang line became the most influential and most respected Shih Tzu kennel in its time. Mrs. Colwell bred shih tzu in the 1960's.

Read on at: Stain Glass Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu - Color And Appearance Beginning To Now

There is no fixed color for the shih tzu according to the American Kennel Club standards. The standard weight set by American Kennel Club is 9 to 16 lbs. However, all colors are permissible, and the shih tzu comes in such a variety of colors, different tones, shades and combinations of colors that surely contributes to the great popularity of this breed. Some shih tzu fanciers or purchasers are more interested in what color they want in a shih tzu than what size or anything else the shih tzu can bring to them.

Read on at: Stain Glass Shih Tzu

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