Thursday, October 12, 2006

Proper Nutrition for Your Shih Tzu

Proper Nutrition for Your Shih Tzu by Connie Limon (Email:

The dietary regimen is an important aspect of survival. The objective of dietary management is to meet the basic nutritional requirements of the individual with proper proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and fat in a well-balanced diet that will promote optimal body weight. Generally, these dietary regimens are employed to human beings. However, with the growing fondness to dogs, most Shih Tzu owners and veterinarians recommend that dietary regimen should likewise be implemented on dogs. Like humans, Shih Tzu needs the right combination of the basic food groups in order to have a healthy life span. Shih Tzu also need to be regulated on the kinds of food that they eat or else they could end up being obese as well. Included in the Shih Tzu's dietary regimen are the proper minerals and vitamins. These essential health items should be well incorporated into the Shih Tzu's daily needs in order to have a healthy body. With proper minerals and vitamins, Shih Tzu will be able to maintain shiny, healthy-looking coat. So, for people who want to know how to prepare the right diet for their Shih Tzu, here are some tips to guide them through: 1. Meat should not be the only food incorporated in the Shih Tzu's diet. In reality, dogs are carnivorous. The Shih Tzu's body is especially designed to generate growth and energy from meat products. However, dogs need fiber too to help them digest their foods properly and carbohydrates to provide them the added energy that they need. So, it would be better if Shih Tzu owners will feed their Shih Tzu every day with the usual dog foods available in the market and give them occasionally real foods where meat, fibers, and carbohydrates are present. 2. Dogs need minerals and vitamins. Like humans, Shih Tzu needs complex combinations of minerals and vitamins. These are needed to maintain the luster and shine in their coats and to provide them with healthy gums and teeth. Lack of minerals and vitamins supplement will result to deficiencies of certain types that could be really difficult to deal with, such as extra dry or super oily skin, tummy problems, frail bones, low-weight, and worst cases are death. Like humans, these dietary supplements are needed to give the Shih Tzu the extra needed nutrients in order to keep them healthy. 3. Real meal treats Contrary to most popular beliefs, Shih Tzu loves the real food more than their typical dog foods. Hence, whenever their owners give them real food, they would consider them as treats. 4. Mixed foods Most people tend to think that deciding whether to give Shih Tzu moist or dry foods is a matter of preference. In reality, it is not. This is because mixing different kinds of foods is actually the best diet owners could give to their Shih Tzu. Giving Shih Tzu a variety of foods, nutritional value, and texture is the real diet your dog really needs. 5. Dogs need greens. A well-balanced diet for the Shih Tzu includes green leafy vegetables. Even if dogs are carnivorous by nature, they also need the right amount of greens to provide them with additional nutrients that are only available in green leafy foods. No wonder why you occasionally see a dog chew on grass. This goes to show that dogs really need some greens to provide their body with a well balanced diet. There are no hard or fast rules when it comes to balanced diets for Shih Tzu. However, it is still important to note the needed food groups that should be incorporated in the Shih Tzu's diet. Shih Tzu owners should always consult their dog's veterinarians especially on things like health and diet supplements for their Shih Tzu. The veterinarian knows what foods should be included in the Shih Tzu's meal and what foods should be avoided. Shih Tzu, like humans, should not be fed with junk foods like sugary sweet sodas. These will only make them fat without the needed nutrients. Whenever something about your Shih Tzu seems abnormal, consult your veterinarian. As they say, veterinarians know best when it comes to the Shih Tzu's care.

Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies from top champion bloodlines in many different colors of blues, reds, chocolates, blacks. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. We offer you educational material, dog bows and dog clothes. Visit us online at and sign up for our FREE newsletter. This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.

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