What is the biggest event in the dog kingdom? A dog show is the answer to this question. It is also called the "breed ring" or "the fancy." Thousands of dog shows takes place in the United States every year. Thousands of Shih Tzu are entered into these dog shows. There are only a few countries in this world that are not involved in the dog show sport. So you can imagine just how many dogs and owners are traveling to a show on any given weekend. The number has to got be absolutely astronomical!
Just what is the reason for all these people/dogs/Shih Tzu teams to leave their warm and snug homes to go to a dog show that might be held in rain, sleet or snow? Well, if you think about it, why do people go to baseball games, and basketball games and foot ball games? Probably very much the same reason people travel far and near through all kinds of weather to a dog/Shih Tzu show. There has to be more in it than just a tiny piece of silk ribbon or a trophy. And there is more to it for those who enjoy this type of sport. Many people just love the breathtaking beauty of the Shih Tzu show dogs. Others enjoy the adrenal surge when they step out into the ring for a chance to prove their Shih Tzu is the very best Shih Tzu. A person has to have a competitive side to their personality to be a part of the Shih Tzu Show Dog World.
Read on at: Stain Glass Shih Tzu