Saturday, October 20, 2007

Learning to Tube Feed Shih Tzu Puppies

It is not difficult to learn the correct tube feeding procedure. Purchase the tube feeder through your veterinarian, who will be able to equip you with the correct diameter catheter and syringe size for your Shih Tzu. Sterilize both catheter and syringe between early feedings. The syringe will have graduated markings on the side to record accurate intake. You will need a bowl or large measuring cup for warm water, a candy thermometer and a nontoxic indelible pen or dull knife.
1. Place water heated to 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the bowl or measuring cup.2. Heat the formula separately (also to 100 degrees Fahrenheit) using the candy thermometer to regulate the temperatures of both liquids.3. Put the thermometer, syringe, catheter and warmed formula into the bowl of water for transport to the Shih Tzu puppy.
Each puppy should be measured for gavage feeding. Correct measurement is crucial to the Shih Tzu puppy’s well-being. Read on at:

Early Shih Tzu Puppy Stimulation

The first sense of a Shih Tzu puppy is “scent.” The newborn Shih Tzu puppy will be able to smell the scent of the breeder immediately after the sac is broken. The Shih Tzu breeder is familiar with litters of Shih Tzu puppies before their eyes open. Up until the Shih Tzu puppy opens its eyes they became familiar with their breeder’s scent through their dam’s coat. Shih Tzu puppies learn where there is and is not a place of milk and nourishment on their mother through scent.
It is advisable that only the Shih Tzu breeder handle puppies during their first two weeks. This does limit the Shih Tzu puppy’s reality of the world around them; however, it is practicing sound early responsible care practices. As Shih Tzu puppies begin to open their eyes they become aware of differences in people. Because of this awareness, a very young Shih Tzu puppy may act violently the first time handled by anyone other than their breeder. The Shih Tzu puppy may begin to struggle or scream to be free. It really is not necessary for other people besides the breeder to handle Shih Tzu puppies during this very early period of their lives. If a Shih Tzu puppy is frightening by early interactions with other people it could set the stage for later mistrust toward all humans. It is therefore extremely important that all early contacts with a Shih Tzu puppy be positive. Once a barrier of distrust is instilled in a newborn Shih Tzu puppy, the puppy can become hard to work with and sometimes even unmanageable as adults. Limiting contact with humans also aids in the spreading of germs to newborn Shih Tzu puppies.
There is a proper way to hold a very young Shih Tzu puppy. You should not “swoop” a Shih Tzu puppy quickly into your arms, or hold it at arm’s length. Do not ever pick up a Shih Tzu puppy by its legs, ears, tail or scruff. Severe and even irreparable damage can result.
Use the following steps to pick up and hold a newborn and very young Shih Tzu puppy: Read on at:

Shih Tzu – Difficult Deliveries

Most Shih Tzu puppies present themselves normally at birth. There are times, very few times, of which I have experienced with the Shih Tzu that required assistance. Usually the most difficult Shih Tzu puppy birth is the first one. Delivery of a dry Shih Tzu puppy or overly large Shih Tzu puppy can take longer than normal and may affect the next Shih Tzu puppy birth. This next Shih Tzu puppy may be stillborn or have more fluid in the trachea and lungs. Oftentimes, subsequent Shih Tzu siblings are born normally.
Not every stillborn Shih Tzu puppy or difficult delivery is the result of a Shih Tzu matron suffering inertia. The problem of inertia, however, will cause a higher percentage of stillborn Shih Tzu puppies. Shih Tzu puppies are normally vigorous while attached to the uterine wall. Once freed from the uterine wall, a Shih Tzu puppy has limited time in which to arrive. Read on at:

Bottle Feeding Orphan Shih Tzu Puppies

Nursing bottles for orphaned Shih Tzu puppies can be obtained through the veterinarian, pet supplier, wholesale catalogs or the internet. You should purchase several nipple styles to see which works best for you and your Shih Tzu.
Shih Tzu puppies can become colicky just like human newborn babies. Be careful about allowing a Shih Tzu puppy to ingest air when either tube or bottle feeding. Always turn the bottle and nipple end down, before offering it to the Shih Tzu puppy. All the air in the bottle will rise to the solid end. When the Shih Tzu puppy is nursing freely bubbles rise in the bottle. The bubble flow should be fairly rapid, small and uniform in size, rising in even response to the Shih Tzu puppy’s nursing. If the bubbles are large the Shih Tzu puppy may also be ingesting air. Check the nipple cap.
Occasionally remove the bottle from the Shih Tzu puppy’s mouth to allow a return passage of air back into the bottle. A return passage of air occurs either through turning the bottle upright or by momentarily loosening the cap. Do not abruptly pull the bottle from the Shih Tzu puppy’s mouth. Place a finger in the corner of the Shih Tzu puppy’s lip to break the nursing hold.
Some Shih Tzu puppies may instinctively resist the unnatural feel of a manufactured nipple. 1. If the dam is available, rub the bottle and nipple and a towel over her mammaries.2. Drape this towel across your stomach and lap.3. Hold the puppy on your lap against your abdomen.4. Express a small amount of formula from the bottle and wipe it over the nipple. Read on at:

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