Sunday, August 27, 2006

Differences in Professional Breeders and backyard Breeders

Differences in Professional Breeders and “backyard” Breeders

Early in the lives of the Shih Tzu puppies, the very best of care is crucial to well-rounded Shih Tzu puppy development. Dams and their litters do not survive alone. There is more to raising Shih Tzu and the Toy breed puppies in general than truly meets the eye.

Not only does one need to carefully consider the pedigrees and health histories of each mating, but one must continue to study to become an expertise in general puppy care. Yes, there is much, much more to breeding than just putting two dogs together and allowing nature to take its course. Dog breeding is a science. It is a discipline. It is a profession.

Shih Tzu breeding must be carefully thought out and is most definitely a profession that does require specialized knowledge. Regardless of the location of your breeding establishment, whether it is in your backyard, your garage, basement or an establishment that is especially built for breeding purposes, you the breeder is who makes your establishment professional or non-professional. The breeder is who determines what type of establishment, professional or non-professional, the breeding establishment is. Location, such as the backyard, basement or buildings especially designed for breeding purposes does not determine whether or not the establishment is professional.

If a breeder fails in their responsibilities to the early lives of Shih Tzu puppies, it is either through ignorance or lack of commitment. Ignorance, lack of knowledge and lack of commitment more closely defines the “backyard” breeder, and or those raising puppies in puppy mills. The committed and professional breeder realizes there is no real profit in rearing a litter of Shih Tzu puppies other than the satisfaction of doing the best job possible.

Once Shih Tzu puppies open their eyes the real work and expense of rearing a litter begins. Shih Tzu puppies begin to display individual character traits. It is at this time that Shih Tzu puppies rely more heavily upon the breeder and less with the dam. The professional breeder recognizes and readily assumes the responsibilities of caring for a Shih Tzu litter and does not abandon them to their dam’s care alone.

A large Shih Tzu litter may require supplementary feeding while continuing to allow the dam and offspring full access to each other. Smaller or premature Shih Tzu puppies often require supplementary feeding around the clock. The healthy brood matron should be vibrant, should not carry excess weight nor appear undernourished. An emotionally and physically healthy dam consistently maintains an active and lively interest in her puppies and environment. The professional breeder must be observant enough to care for the captain (the brood matron) just as well as to care for the Shih Tzu litter providing her with adequate food, water and emotional support.

There are very distinctive differences between the “backyard” unprofessional breeder and the professional breeder, some of which are detailed here in this article. There are many other differences, far too many to mention in one article.

Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies from top champion bloodlines. Visit us, sign up for our newsletter and purchase online at:

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