Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
When Should You Socialize and Start Training your Shih Tzu Puppy

This is the first puppy from our Simon Says. I am keeping her. She is so much like her daddy, Simon. I have her named Miss Sheba! She is a tiny teacup size and very "frisky." I had the hardest time getting this t-shirt on her.
When Should You Socialize and Start Training Your Shih Tzu Puppy?by Connie Limon (Email: connielimon@yahoo.com) Shih Tzu puppies get plenty of exercise with their littermates before leaving all behind for new homes. Once a Shih Tzu puppy is in his new home, has reached the age of four months and is fully vaccinated he should be taken for walks. Start out slow with your walks. This is the time you want to start lead training your new Shih Tzu puppy. A lot of his exercise should still come freely around his new home and in the backyard so he has the opportunity to rest at will. Allow him to wear a collar most of the time (never in a cage or crate). Add a leash as he exercises around his new home to get him use to the new gear. From time to time casually pick up the leash and allow your puppy to follow behind you. Eventually, you will be able to walk with the Shih Tzu puppy by your side on official walks through the woods or any favorite place you have to walk. A bond of love will develop from these little walks with your new Shih Tzu puppy as he and you exercise together. A young Shih Tzu puppy can make a good start toward socialization when he has learned to play with his new owner. He should also be handled by all the members of his new family as well as visitors. He should now begin to relax and learn to tolerate grooming. Before he has received all vaccinations you really need to limit his contact with other animals and humans. By the time the Shih Tzu puppy is four months old, however, he should be fully vaccinated and ready to acquire socialization skills. It is in the best interest of the Shih Tzu puppy for the breeder to follow these same rules - to limit exposure to other animals and other people until the Shih Tzu puppy is fully vaccinated. Therefore, many Shih Tzu puppies sold at the young age of eight and nine weeks should have only had contact with their littermates, their mother and the breeder. If you are lucky enough to live in an area where puppy classes are held, please take advantage. These classes can do a world of good for a young Shih Tzu puppy. In the final phase of puppy hood at six months to a year of age a Shih Tzu puppy will complete most of his physical growth. By now his second teeth should be through. Be aware that Shih Tzu puppies are a bit slow at acquiring their teeth. The assessment for the show ring is actually best done at about one year of age. I am not sure how some show dog breeders claim they know a show quality Shih Tzu puppy and thus mark the price up because of these so called show qualities. However, many show dog breeders claim they have this insight to be able to tell a show prospect at the young age of eight weeks. From all I have read, this is quite impossible. The true age to tell whether or not a Shih Tzu is show dog material is at about one year. When show dog breeders are anxious to sell their stock at eight to twelve weeks of age based upon the claims of "show dog prospect," with a higher price tag, be leery of this type of sale. You are probably not actually getting the show dog prospect that is being advertised to you. It is best to wait and shop around with other show dog breeders who have kept their Shih Tzu to one year and over in order to truly find a true "show dog prospect." Beginning at the age of six months a Shih Tzu puppy can be taken to shows if this is your interest. Please allow your Shih Tzu puppy to enjoy puppy hood before rushing him into the show ring. Don't make Shirley Temples out of your six month old Shih Tzu if he is still quite babyish. Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies in a variety of colors. All puppies are sold with a health guarantee. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. Our website provides visitors with an educational experience all about the Shih Tzu. Visit us at http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com/ and sign up for our FREE newsletter. This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The Shih Tzu is an Ideal Companion and House Pet
The Shih Tzu is a lively and alert Toy dog. The standard type of coat is a long flowing double coat. The Shih Tzu was a highly valued companion of its noble Chinese ancestors. It was favored as the palace pet. The Shih Tzu has a distinct arrogant carriage with the head well up and tail curved over the back. There has always been considerable size variation in the Shih Tzu breed. However, it is agreed and is the American Kennel Club standard that the Shih Tzu must be compact, solid and carry good weight and substance. According to the American Kennel Club standard a Shih Tzu's height should be 9 to 10 inches, not less than 8 inches or more than 11 inches. The Shih Tzu should never appear leggy or dumpy and squatty. Regardless of the size a Shih Tzu should always be compact, solid and carry good weight and substance. The head of a Shih Tzu is stated as "perfect" according to the American Kennel Club standard when it is round, broad, wide between eyes. The size of the head should be in balance with the overall size of the Shih Tzu, neither too large nor too small. A fault of the Shih Tzu head would be narrow head, close-set eyes. The _expression of a Shih Tzu should be warm, sweet, wide-eyed, friendly and trusting. A Shih Tzu's eyes should be large, round, not prominent, placed well apart, looking straight ahead. The eye color should be very dark. However, liver and blue colored Shih Tzu will be a lighter color. Ideally there should be no eye white showing. Fault would be small, close-set eyes. The ears of an American Kennel Club ideal Shih Tzu are large, set slightly below crown of skull and heavily coated with hair. The pigmentation of nose, lips, and eye rims should be black except on livers and blues. Fault would be pink on nose, lips or eye rims. The bite of a Shih Tzu is ideally undershot with a broad and wide jaw. A missing tooth or slightly misaligned teeth are not too severely penalized, however, the teeth and tongue should not show when the mouth is closed. Fault would be an overshot bite. All colors are acceptable. The Shih Tzu is one of very few breeds that seem to have a never ending list of colors and color combinations. A Shih Tzu should move smoothly and effortlessly having good front reach and equally strong rear drive, level top line, natural high head carriage and tail carried in a gentle curve over the back. Since the sole purpose of the Shih Tzu is that of a companion and house pet, it is essential that the Shih Tzu's temperament be outgoing, happy, affectionate and friendly. Many Shih Tzu also make very good watch dogs for a household. The Shih Tzu in general is a lively and alert Toy Dog and is one of the top ten of America's favorite breeds.
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies in a variety of colors. We have the AKC small standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. Our website provides you with an educational experience all about the Shih Tzu. Visit us at http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com and sign up for our FREE newsletter.
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Tips On How to Help Your Shih Tzu Live a Long and Health Life

Tips on How to Help Your Shih Tzu Live a Long and Healthy Life
by Connie Limon (Email: connielimon@yahoo.com)
Like people, Shih Tzu needs to be healthy to enjoy life. Our Shih Tzu is our friend, companion and often our guardian, but since they are also totally dependent on us for their well-being, it is our responsibility to look after them properly. One of the most prevalent 'diseases' in dogs, which includes the Shih Tzu, these days, is one that also affects humans. This condition is obesity. A fat Shih Tzu is an unhealthy Shih Tzu and is likely to suffer from arthritis and heart failure. Try to keep in mind that in the wild dogs eat fresh meat that they have killed themselves. They also eat certain types of grass and may eat wild fruits like berries if these grow in their natural habitat. This is not to say, however, that you should begin feeding your Shih Tzu these same things to avoid obesity. The best diet for a Shih Tzu is a commercially prepared diet especially for dogs with treats of vegetables, fruits and cooked chicken. Milk, custard and cake are the worst things you can give your grown Shih Tzu and, though a Shih Tzu puppy may benefit from the calcium in milk, there are commercial milk products available that are especially formulated for a Shih Tzu puppy's needs. On occasion, you may treat your Shih Tzu with the same goodies you eat, but do not ever make it a daily habit. And, of course, always stay away from chocolate treat. Dry dog food, or kibble as it is sometimes called, is said to have all the nutrients that your dog will need for health, but the dearer brands are often better. Shih Tzu fed on cheaper brands may constantly chew grass to supplement whatever is missing from their diet. Canned food can be given as a treat only. We often say that the most expensive things in life are not the best, however, these days with dog food; it does seem to prove out that the most expensive brands are the better. The more expensive brands of dog food use methods that are "quick" in order to turn out thousands and thousands of bags of dog food. They carefully test and retest their formulas among other reasons of why their brands are more expensive. A healthy dog should have a smooth, shining coat, clear eyes and a moist nose. Its breath should not smell foul. It should be slender, though not thin enough to see its ribs sticking out. If your dog's breath is disgusting, it could be due to the tartar on its teeth. Chewing on a big bone will help to clean your dog's teeth. Don't be fooled by the Shih Tzu that begs and begs for more food. Feed your Shih Tzu just what the bag recommends and no more. Shih Tzu should not be able to "instruct" their owners of how much food they need. If this is the case, they will eat you out of house and home and end up one of those "fat" Shih Tzu with all kinds of health problems this article is telling you about. A Shih Tzu is charming and can charm their way into just about anything they want. Just don't let this happen with their food intake if you want them to stay healthy. Regular worming will also help to keep your pet in top condition. Shots for distemper, heartworm, parvovirus and kennel cough are a must. Kennel cough is not likely to be a problem unless the Shih Tzu is kept on cement, or you bring in another Shih Tzu with kennel cough. I prefer giving Pyrantel as a dewormer to my Shih Tzu. I don't like using tablets. Pyrantel is a liquid and is much easier to administer. Parvovirus breaks down the digestive system and eventually affects the heart. Vaccinations against parvovirus and cleaning with Clorox bleach is the best method of keeping this out of your Shih Tzu kennel or home. Symptoms include bloody stool and the animal is quickly unable to move and in obvious pain. Puppies almost always die with parvovirus. However, each Shih Tzu puppy's immune system is different. All depends upon the Shih Tzu puppy's immune system, how many vaccinations they have already received and the cleaning away of the virus using Clorox bleach as to whether or not your particular Shih Tzu will survive the virus. Luckily, it is not transmitted to humans. Symptoms of distemper include runny eyes and a dry nose. It is rather like flu in humans. A Shih Tzu with worms may have a poor appetite, and will often - though not always - look to be in poor health with a dry coat that is harsh to the touch. If your Shih Tzu drags itself along the ground in a sitting position, suspect worms immediately. Worms can sometimes be seen hanging from the anal passage. The problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible, because worms are easily transmitted to humans. Fleas, which will happily jump from dogs to humans, can be another problem. These bloodsuckers can actually kill a tiny puppy, simply through blood loss. Shih Tzu puppies too young to wear a flea collar may be washed in a suitable preparation from the vet. Pat it dry afterwards, or keep it in a warm place so it doesn't get cold. Always be sure to keep kennels and yard clean to reduce the flea problem. If they get out of hand, you may need to spray all bedding and surrounding areas to kill the fleas and their eggs. If you live in a tick prone area, be sure to keep a tick collar on your Shih Tzu at all times. Mark the renewal date on the calendar so you don't forget to renew it. Your Shih Tzu's life may depend on it! Grass ticks cause itchy lumps that can become infected when scratched. If not removed quickly, the paralysis tick can cause death in three to five days. If the Shih Tzu seems to suddenly have weak back legs and falls over often, inspect it immediately for a tick and get it to the vet as soon as possible. Luckily, the tick vaccine works well and quickly and can save a dog that looks like it is gasping its last breath. With attention to these few details, your Shih Tzu should live a long and happy life, rewarding you with years of fun and companionship.
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies in a variety of colors. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. Visit us online at http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com/ , our website provides you with an educational experience all about the Shih Tzu. Purchase Shih Tzu puppies and sign up for our FREE newsletter.
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Tips on How To Keep Your Shih Tzu Safe During the Holidays
The "end of the year" holidays can present some particular hazards to the health of your Shih Tzu, and consequently to your peace of mind. Here are some ideas that have worked for many people to make this time a happy one for all.
Make sure you check your vet's holiday hours and emergency contacts and have the information easily accessible.
Think before you decorate with plants. Shih Tzu will all nibble household plants. Many household plants including mistletoe and some poinsettias can make your Shih Tzu very ill. Make sure your holiday plants are out of your Shih Tzu’s reach.
If you have a Christmas tree, you should put only unbreakable decorations at the bottom of your tree, so there is no danger of your Shih Tzu batting a glass ball and breaking it, or the Shih Tzu chewing your grandmother's antique bubble lights.
If you have a live tree in water, wrap the base so your Shih Tzu can't decide to take a drink of the water. Many modern live trees have been sprayed with chemicals that may be toxic to your Shih Tzu.
Be very, very careful about candles. Your Shih Tzu may be enticed by the flicker of the flame, and may singe his whiskers or worse. Place glass "hurricane lanterns" or other attractive covers over candles to protect your home and your Shih Tzu.
Think ahead to New Years Eve, and plan how to keep your Shih Tzu from becoming frightened by the traditional firecrackers and other noisy merriment. Some Shih Tzu may be severely traumatized by fireworks, be sure to leave them inside if you go out to celebrate.
Shih Tzu may be stressed by the changes in household routine during the holidays, especially if you are stressed yourself. Some cats and dogs respond to stress by becoming hyper or hysterical, and some simply retreat. Plan to spend some special time with your Shih Tzu to calm yourself and reassure them during this period, and if your Shih Tzu is especially upset with strangers visiting, prepare a "refuge" he can go to and escape the "maddening crowd."
Have yourself a very Merry Christmas and New Year with your Shih Tzu by your side.
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies from top champion bloodlines in a variety of colors. Puppies are sold with a health guarantee. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. Our site provides you with educational material, dog bows, dog books and supplies. Visit us at http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com and sign up for our FREE newsletter.
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Shih Tzu essentials
by Connie Limon (Email: connielimon@yahoo.com)
People use accessories to accentuate the beauty of a certain thing. There are also times that they buy accessories in order to protect the product against harmful elements in the environment. These concepts are also true when applied to taking care of their Shih Tzu. Shih Tzu owners tend to pamper their Shih Tzu and many Shih Tzu lovers even contend that buying dog accessories gives the same satisfaction as shopping for loved ones. Today, there are many dog accessories available on the market and choosing the best dog accessories can be challenging. Here are some tips on what to look for when buying accessories for your Shih Tzu: 1. Dog/Shih Tzu collars There are varieties of dog collars available in the market today, ranging from plain to fancy. Whatever type or design one may prefer, the most important thing to consider is that it should properly fit the Shih Tzu. It should never be too loose or too tight. Experts say that the ideal space between the Shih Tzu's neck and the collar should be two fingers wide. 2. Dog/Shih Tzu leash It is always best to buy a good leash and not scrimp on the price. There are many types available. The most important factor to keep in mind is the size of the leash. Depending on the size of your Shih Tzu, you want to make certain you buy one strong enough to hold him. If your Shih Tzu is smaller, you don't want to buy a leash that is too large. 3. Food and water bowls It's important to purchase food and water bowls that are not easily tipped over. Also, some people purchase those large watering systems that are similar to what some humans have bottled water delivered in. They are large and are supposed to keep your pet in drinking water for a longer period of time. Depending on the size of your Shih Tzu, make certain that the water will be consumed fairly quickly. Water for your Shih Tzu should be fresh and clean. Water that has been left standing isn't a good idea to feed your Shih Tzu. 4. Dog/Shih Tzu toys Most Shih Tzu are fond of playing, so, it's best to give them toys to gnash, chew, or bite with. Having his own things will make him more behaved instead of chewing slippers or shoes. Again, make certain that the toys are appropriate for the size of the Shih Tzu. Too small, and just like a child, they could choke. If the toy is too large for a smaller animal they won't be able to lift it. 5. Doghouses/Shih Tzu Houses When placed outside, Shih Tzu should have a place for shelter. This is to keep them away from direct sunlight or from the rain or snow. If your Shih Tzu is left alone for long periods of time, make certain that his "home" is the right size and will protect him from the elements. One last thought . . . never, never leave your Shih Tzu in a locked vehicle. It can be a death sentence.
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies from top champion bloodlines in a variety of colors. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. Puppies are sold with a Health Guarantee. We provide you with educational material, dog bows; fleece t-shirts, dog supplies and dog books. Visit us online at http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com and sign up for our FREE Shih Tzu newsletter.
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Get a Shih Tzu Puppy and Improve Your Health
by Connie Limon (Email: connielimon@yahoo.com) Shih Tzu can be your very best friend. But did you know that having a dog and/or Shih Tzu puppy gives you several heath benefits? In studies done by medical professionals, dog and/or Shih Tzu owners benefit from their pet's presence in several ways: 1) Improved cardiovascular health - Shih Tzu and dog owners have been proven to have blood pressure and cholesterol lower than ordinary people. These factors reduce the chance for cardiovascular diseases. Stroking a pet has long been known to reduce blood pressure. A study from the New York State University found that these benefits continue even without the pet available. The study tested a group of stockbrokers with hypertension. They concluded that just being a pet-owner and/or Shih Tzu owner can lower blood pressure. Dog owners and/or Shih Tzu owners also have blood cholesterol levels lower than normal. Five thousand four hundred people were tested by the Baker Medical Research Institute of Australia and with the results showing pet owners having not just lower blood pressure but also lower levels of blood triglycerides and cholesterol compared to people who didn't own any pets. 2) Faster recovery time and higher survival rates - Hospital studies have found that seniors and recently operated on patients responded better to treatment and got better quickly while they were in contact with dogs and/or Shih Tzu and other therapy animals. Just petting a dog and/or Shih Tzu can be relaxing and therapeutic for recovering patients. Also, dog and/or Shih Tzu owners have a greater chance to survive after suffering from a serious illness. Several studies have discovered that pet owners who suffered from a heart attack were more likely to be alive a year after they were discharged from the hospital than those who did not own pets. Another New York study found that pet's affected their survival rate more even more than the presence or company of family members or friends. 3) Fewer visits to the doctor - Studies conducted at Cambridge and UCLA have found that owning a pet corresponds to overall improved health and less need for hospital visits. A Medicare study of its elderly patients also discovered that those who own dogs and/or Shih Tzu visit the doctor less than those who don't have a pet. 4) Mental Wellness - Patients who have dogs and/or Shih Tzu have also been known to have better emotional health than their counterparts. They offer unconditional love and affection; their presence alone helps reduce loneliness for sick people who have otherwise been isolated. Several studies of people with major illnesses have shown that the stress of fighting the disease is significantly reduced when they had a dog and/or Shih Tzu as company. As you can see, having a dog and/or Shih Tzu is a great investment, for the joy that you get from owning one and the health benefits that you can receive. So go out and get a dog, preferably a Shih Tzu! I am partial to Shih Tzu..........
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu Puppies from top champion bloodlines in many different colors of blues, reds, chocolates, blacks. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. We offer you educational material, dog bows, Fleece T-shirts and other dog supplies. Visit us online at http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com and sign up for our FREE newsletter.
This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Animal Chatter PigletOnly $12.00
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Proper Nutrition for Your Shih Tzu
The dietary regimen is an important aspect of survival. The objective of dietary management is to meet the basic nutritional requirements of the individual with proper proportions of protein, carbohydrates, and fat in a well-balanced diet that will promote optimal body weight. Generally, these dietary regimens are employed to human beings. However, with the growing fondness to dogs, most Shih Tzu owners and veterinarians recommend that dietary regimen should likewise be implemented on dogs. Like humans, Shih Tzu needs the right combination of the basic food groups in order to have a healthy life span. Shih Tzu also need to be regulated on the kinds of food that they eat or else they could end up being obese as well. Included in the Shih Tzu's dietary regimen are the proper minerals and vitamins. These essential health items should be well incorporated into the Shih Tzu's daily needs in order to have a healthy body. With proper minerals and vitamins, Shih Tzu will be able to maintain shiny, healthy-looking coat. So, for people who want to know how to prepare the right diet for their Shih Tzu, here are some tips to guide them through: 1. Meat should not be the only food incorporated in the Shih Tzu's diet. In reality, dogs are carnivorous. The Shih Tzu's body is especially designed to generate growth and energy from meat products. However, dogs need fiber too to help them digest their foods properly and carbohydrates to provide them the added energy that they need. So, it would be better if Shih Tzu owners will feed their Shih Tzu every day with the usual dog foods available in the market and give them occasionally real foods where meat, fibers, and carbohydrates are present. 2. Dogs need minerals and vitamins. Like humans, Shih Tzu needs complex combinations of minerals and vitamins. These are needed to maintain the luster and shine in their coats and to provide them with healthy gums and teeth. Lack of minerals and vitamins supplement will result to deficiencies of certain types that could be really difficult to deal with, such as extra dry or super oily skin, tummy problems, frail bones, low-weight, and worst cases are death. Like humans, these dietary supplements are needed to give the Shih Tzu the extra needed nutrients in order to keep them healthy. 3. Real meal treats Contrary to most popular beliefs, Shih Tzu loves the real food more than their typical dog foods. Hence, whenever their owners give them real food, they would consider them as treats. 4. Mixed foods Most people tend to think that deciding whether to give Shih Tzu moist or dry foods is a matter of preference. In reality, it is not. This is because mixing different kinds of foods is actually the best diet owners could give to their Shih Tzu. Giving Shih Tzu a variety of foods, nutritional value, and texture is the real diet your dog really needs. 5. Dogs need greens. A well-balanced diet for the Shih Tzu includes green leafy vegetables. Even if dogs are carnivorous by nature, they also need the right amount of greens to provide them with additional nutrients that are only available in green leafy foods. No wonder why you occasionally see a dog chew on grass. This goes to show that dogs really need some greens to provide their body with a well balanced diet. There are no hard or fast rules when it comes to balanced diets for Shih Tzu. However, it is still important to note the needed food groups that should be incorporated in the Shih Tzu's diet. Shih Tzu owners should always consult their dog's veterinarians especially on things like health and diet supplements for their Shih Tzu. The veterinarian knows what foods should be included in the Shih Tzu's meal and what foods should be avoided. Shih Tzu, like humans, should not be fed with junk foods like sugary sweet sodas. These will only make them fat without the needed nutrients. Whenever something about your Shih Tzu seems abnormal, consult your veterinarian. As they say, veterinarians know best when it comes to the Shih Tzu's care.
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies from top champion bloodlines in many different colors of blues, reds, chocolates, blacks. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. We offer you educational material, dog bows and dog clothes. Visit us online at http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com and sign up for our FREE newsletter. This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.
Monday, October 09, 2006
We've all encountered them at some point, ill-mannered Shih Tzu. We've even seen their owners yelling at them, tugging at their leashes trying to make them behave. What is sad is that you can't blame the Shih Tzu for the owner's irresponsibility. This type of behavior could have been avoided with obedience training.
Obedience training is a platform for the Shih Tzu and the owner to learn how to effectively communicate with one another. Can you conduct obedience training on your own? This is a question that has long been debated by the experts. One school of thought is that it would be better if a professional does the training, while others feel the owner can do it if they feel competent. The truth is that a combination of trainer and owner is probably the most effective.
Find an obedience school in your area. You will probably be told that they recommend a series of lessons that include both the Shih Tzu AND the owner. Sometimes the classes can be arranged where trainer comes to your home. Some trainers feel that training where the surroundings are familiar is helpful where some prefer their own location. However, whether the obedience training is done at home, by a professional trainer, or in an obedience school, there are things that must be considered when incorporating this kind of training. Here is a list of the things that should be taken into account.
1. Fun Obedience training does not necessarily mean that strict rules should be imposed. This is because the Shih Tzu is not aware of the reasons why he should be trained. Therefore, for him to respond to the commands, the training must be done in such a way that the Shih Tzu sees the activity as something that is fun. The Shih Tzu should be praised when he exhibits proper behavior. Some trainers also recommend treats and some do not. That should be discussed with your trainer.
2. Consistency During the course of obedience training, it is very important to have consistency in the training. For example, if a Shih Tzu was allowed to sit on the rug the other day and when the Shih Tzu tried to sit on the rug today, he was scolded. Things like this should not be taken for granted. It is extremely important to teach the Shih Tzu what he should and should not do and stick to it. Confusion will only make the matters worst.
3. Obedience training instructor/trainer When people choose to enroll their Shih Tzu in an obedience class, it is important to analyze the trainer before the owner leaves his Shih Tzu. The character and personality of the trainer is extremely important. They should be professional enough to know how to handle the Shih Tzu's behavior and how to train them properly. Again, you might want to find a trainer that works with both you AND your Shih Tzu.
4. Referrals It is best not to try new and unfamiliar obedience training schools. This could be really risky both for you and for your Shih Tzu. It would be better if Shih Tzu owners will ask for some referrals from their veterinarians, Shih Tzu dog breeders, or other people who can give their honest opinions.
5. Charges Not all obedience training schools are created equal. They vary depending on the kind of services they offer. It is best to consider their fees and what services they offer at that rate. This is one area where you don't want to scrimp so cheapest isn't always the best. Also, make certain you are dealing with a trainer that will work with both you AND your Shih Tzu.
6. Methods used in the training It is highly recommended that Shih Tzu owners ask about the methods being used in the training. Make sure the terms are spelled out clearly. Shop for the best training you can find for the money. Don't make a decision quickly. If you don't feel comfortable with one individual, by all means keep looking. There is some Shih Tzu that just seems to follow directions with little or no effort with never a session of profession training. Unfortunately, these examples are few and far between. Invest in obedience training and you can look at a long and healthy relationship with a loving companion. With obedience training, Shih Tzu will surely be on their way to happier and more enjoyable stay with their masters and the people around them.
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies from top champion bloodlines in many different colors of blues, reds, chocolates, blacks. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. We offer you educational material, dog bows and dog clothes. Visit us online at: http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com and sign up for our FREE newsletter.
This article is FREE to publish with resource box.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Commitment and Routine are the Keys to Housebreaking Your Shih Tzu Puppy
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Fight Fleas in Your Home and on Your Shih Tzu
The natural way:
• Vacuum your home frequently and seal vacuum bags before disposing.
• Wash the bedding of your Shih Tzu weekly in warm soapy water. This is where fleas usually breed.
• Bathing your Shih Tzu weekly with a mild dog shampoo prevents flea invasion.
• Use cedar shampoo for your Shih Tzu, and put cedar oil in their sleeping mats. Cedar will repel fleas and other insects.
• Fleas are attracted to dry skin, so to avoid it, give your Shih Tzu Linatone oil mixed with its food. Excessive shampooing should be avoided.
• A mixture of brewer’s yeast and garlic, available in powder or tablet form can be given in small doses to your Shih Tzu. This creates a certain odor in pets, and fleas are surely to avoid them.
• Fresh or dried pennyroyal leaves is a natural flea repellent. Use this in carpets to avoid the abundance of fleas in the home. Do not use it if you have small children around, as this could be toxic.
• A mixture of 60 ml of lavender oil with 2.8 liters of rock salt can also be placed in areas where dogs usually come in contact with and this solution could also be used to wash your Shih Tzu.
• Planting marigolds in the yard is helpful too; it repels certain types of bugs as well as fleas.
• Boiled lemon or orange peel in water can be used as a dip for Shih Tzu and can be used too to soak in Shih Tzu bedding for a few hours, then washed with warm soapy water.
• Lukewarm water with little shampoo and detergent is a good way to prevent fleas. A Shih Tzu’s body may be dipped into the solution for fifteen minutes and then rinsed. This only works if flea infestation is light.
The natural way of treating fleas is effective only if the level of flea infestation is average to very few. This method usually is recommended for prevention only.
Different commercially available products with chemical contents:
• Advantage. Active ingredient is imidacloprid. This is a flea poison, from Bayer. It is in a liquid form and applied to the skin, at the back of the dog, and works for about a month. This works by upsetting the nervous system of fleas when they come in contact with the liquid. This product is fast acting and is not absorbed into the internal organs and bloodstream of the Shih Tzu.
Studies indicate that this product is highly toxic to fleas and other insects as well. A Shih Tzu will be free from fleas in just a couple of days.
Ingredients are: imidacloprid -- a chloronicotinyl nitroguanidine integrated from the nitromethylene class of a compound. This joins the nicotinyl receptor sites of insects, thus upsetting normal nerve transmission which causes death.
A set of two vials costs 15-20 dollars.
• Frontline. This product is very similar to Advantage, but is not water soluble, so alcohol is needed to wash it off. This can safely be used in Shih Tzu pups, dogs, cats and kittens.
Efficiency in repelling lasts up to four months.
Active ingredients include: Fipronil 5-amino -1- (2, 6-dichloro-4 [trifluoromethyl] phenyl) -4- (1, R, S) - (trifluoromethyl0sulfinyl) -1H-pryazole-3-carbonitrile 0.29% inert ingredients 99.71%.
Fipronil works as a nervous transmission interruptor, which causes quick death to fleas and ticks. It is proven to kills 96% of fleas for the first two hours and 100% within 24 hours. Ticks die sooner than they attach themselves to the host. Fipronil is from the new phenylpyrazole class.
Very effective and can be considered safe, so long as Shih Tzu are not allergic to fipronil.
• Knockout. Performs like Frontline and is as effective, but can only be used in dogs. Active ingredients: Pyriproxyfen: 21[1-methyl-2-(phenoxyphenoxy)ethyoxy] pyridine....0.05% cyclopropanecarboxylate 2.00% inert ingredients 97.95% Also has NYLAR, which is flea growth regulator.
• Biospot. This is for topical application and kills up to 75 percent of fleas, eggs, and ticks. It also is a good repellant of mosquitoes and works for about a month. Temporarily, at times, it turns white hair to yellow. This can not be used in cats and contains permethrins and IGR.
• Proban (cythioate) and Prospot (Fenthion). While not to be used in cats, they are widely used in dogs. This is absorbed by the bloodstream and fleas die due to the poison that is present in the blood. For it to work, it requires the bitting of fleas. There are certain conditions to be considered though. You are injecting a small dose of poison into your dog’s body and side effects are not known. Then this does not help if a dog has flea allergy, and can not risk to be bitten.
Generally fleas abound during the summer months, when it is their breeding season. These commercial products can greatly help in fighting heavy flea infestation and needed where severe invasion occurs. However, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian as the choice of flea control will greatly depend on your life style.
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies from top champion bloodlines in many different colors of blues, reds, chocolates, blacks. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. We offer you educational material, dog bows and dog clothes. Visit us online at: http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com/ and sign up for our FREE newsletter. We are the largest Shih Tzu website on the World Wide Web.
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Does Your Shih Tzu Have Allergies?
Category: Animal Care)Does Your Shih Tzu Have Allergies?
by Connie Limon (Email: connielimon@yahoo.com) There are many things that both the Shih Tzu and the Shih Tzu owners could have in common. For example, both Shih Tzu and Shih Tzu owners could be prone to obesity if not regulating food intake and by not exercising. In addition, Shih Tzu and humans may also acquire diseases that results from improper dietary regimen like diabetes, heart diseases, etc. Moreover, the most amusing thing that both Shih Tzu and humans share is the fact that they are both vulnerable to allergies. Sounds impossible? Think again. Veterinary experts assert that Shih Tzu have allergies too. One of the primary signs of allergies is the itching of their skin. Their respiratory tract system can also be affected with allergies. Normally, Shih Tzu will manifest symptoms of respiratory tract allergies like sneezing, wheezing, and coughing. Their nose and their eyes may also manifest a discharge just like humans do whenever they have colds or flu. There are also allergies that may have an effect on their digestive system; hence, it may result as watery stools, diarrhea, or vomiting. Experts say that almost 20% of the Shih Tzu in the United States suffer from several types of allergy. So, for people who want to know more about the different allergies that Shih Tzu acquire, here is a list of the most common allergies: 1. Allergies with fleas It is a well-known fact that Shih Tzu are usually infected with fleas. However, what most people do not know is that they can get allergies through these fleas, too. Well, it is not the fleas that actually cause the allergic reactions in Shih Tzu but the flea's saliva. Hence, it is important for the Shih Tzu to undergo a skin allergy examination so as to determine if a particular dog is sensitive to flea saliva. In the event that the Shih Tzu is allergic to flea saliva, it would be better for the owner to implement a rigorous flea control or flea eradication treatment in order to lessen the allergic reactions. Though, it must be kept in mind that solutions that are used in flea control should be safe for the Shih Tzu. 2. Allergies pertaining to foods Like humans, Shih Tzu gets allergies from food as well. There are instances wherein Shih Tzu gets allergies from foods that their system cannot tolerate, such as wheat, soy products, pork, beef, whey, fish, eggs, milk, corn, artificial sweeteners, and chemical preservatives that are placed in their food. Moreover, Shih Tzu can get allergies in food that they have not tried before. The best way to combat this particular allergy problem is to feed the dog commercial dog foods more often instead of homemade products. Some signs of allergic reactions to food in Shih Tzu are shaking of the head, scratching the ears, irritated skin, biting and licking at the rear feet, inflammations in the ear, sneezing, behavioral changes, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. 3. Atopic Dermatitis Atopic dermatitis is a known allergic skin disease in dogs. This is usually caused by the hypersensitivity of the dog's immune system to ordinary substances that can be found in the environment like molds or dust mites. Usually, a Shih Tzu is said to be suffering from atopic dermatitis when the Shih Tzu begins to excessively lick and chew its paws, licking the abdomen and its rear feet. Atopic dermatitis can be seen as a saliva staining found in the armpits, between the toes of the paws, and in the groin. In light-colored canines, atopic dermatitis can be seen as a red-brown stain found on the same parts that were mentioned. 4. Allergies resulting from bacteria This is the most common cause of serious allergies in Shih Tzu. Generally, there are certain bacteria that thrive in the dog's skin. This is known as the species of Staphylococcus bacteria. In most cases, this does not cause allergies in Shih Tzu. However, there are certain types of dogs that develop an allergy to it. The most common symptom of this kind of allergy is hair loss along with the development of ringworm like marks in the Shih Tzu skin. The areas where these marks appear usually get infected, hence, it is important to treat them with antibiotics. Indeed, allergies are not for humans only. Allergies greatly affect almost 20% of the total population of dogs in the United States, and that is a pretty alarming number. Therefore, it is extremely important for dog owners to know these dog allergies in order to prevent them from further exposure.
Author: Connie Limon. I raise Shih Tzu puppies from top champion bloodlines in many different colors of blues, reds, chocolates, blacks. We have the small AKC standards, imperials and teacups at reasonable prices. We offer you educational material, dog bows and dog clothes. Visit us online at: http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com/ and sign up for our FREE newsletter. We are the largest privately-owned Shih Tzu site on the World Wide Web.
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Sunday, October 01, 2006
Adopting A Shih Tzu - Adult or Puppy?
Everyone is surely going to get excited when trying to adopt a Shih Tzu. Truly a man's best friend, you can rely on your pet Shih Tzu in giving you company, cuddling up together and some can even guard your house. You need to review your personal lifestyle and needs when adopting a Shih Tzu. It is a major decision whether or not you would choose to have a puppy or an adult as a pet. Before deciding on which Shih Tzu to adopt, here is some useful information that might help you decide. Read on at: http://www.stainglassshihtzus.com