Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Show Dog Requirements for the Shih Tzu and Other Purebred Dogs

Photo: Juliet of Stain Glass Shih Tzu
There are rules and regulations you must follow if you want to show your Shih Tzu or any breed of dog. Among those rules are:

* To compete in conformation, your Shih Tzu or other breed of dog must be a purebred registered with a kennel club. * Purebred Shih Tzu or other purebred dogs adopted from shelters or rescue groups can get a special listing which allows them to compete in performance events, but not in conformation. * Registration papers must accompany the Shih Tzu or other breed of purebred dog to participate in dog shows. * The UKC welcomes mixed-breed dogs to compete in performance competitions. * Shih Tzu and other purebred dogs must be intact to compete in much of conformation. * The Canadian Kennel Club has a class for spayed and neutered dogs to show in conformation. * The Australian Shepherd Club of America is also trying out the idea of a class for spayed and neutered dogs to show in conformation. * You do not have to own the Shih Tzu or other breed of dog. You can show someone else's dog. There are professional handlers also.

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